A podcast, hosted by Jose Sanchez (CU Boulder Sociology PhD Candidate) and Jennifer Tostlebe (Assistant Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska-Omaha), where we talk about research in the field of criminology with field experts, our own work, and life as grad students. We will be releasing episodes every 2 weeks. Twitter --> Jose @jsanchez318 and Jenn @jenntostlebe. For those listening on Apple Podcast, subscribe, rate and review! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram: @thecrimacademy, visit our website www.thecriminologyacademy.com
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Ep. 0.6 We Talking Spring 22 and Summer 22! With Bloopers!!
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Join us for this short-and-sweet episode as we review our exciting Spring 22 slate of episodes and preview our equally as exciting Summer 22 episodes. We will have a fun time discussing what we've recorded and were we plan on going in the future. It's a good time as we semi-wing it this time! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @TheCrimAcademy. Also visit our website The Crim Academy Website. Please rate and review on iTunes and where you can!!!
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
This week we asked previous guests to give us advice on things we thought could be useful to our listeners!
Early Grad School Advice - 01:19
Late Grad School Advice - 04:08
Academic Job Market - 14:30
Assistant Professor Advice- 23:35
Biggest Influence - 29:55
Favorite Academic Book - 37:36
Working in Academia Advice - 45:40
Staying Up To Date on the Literature - 53:59
Monday May 09, 2022
Ep. 44 Grad Life: The Proposal with Brandon Tregle and Shannon Magnuson
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Get off you knee! It's not that type of proposal! This week we speak with Brandon Tregle, a recent PhD graduate from the University of Nebraska Omaha, and Shannon Magnuson, a recent PhD graduate from George Mason University, about the dissertation proposal. Brandon and Shannon offer incredible advice on writing and defending proposal. It can be overwhelming, we know, we're both in the thick of it!
Brandon Tregle has published in journals such as Journal of Crime and Justice, Police Quarterly, and Justice Quarterly. You can find him on Twitter @btregle
Shannon Magnuson has published in journals such as Justice Quarterly, Law & Society Review, and Punishment & Society. You can find Shannon on Twitter @smagnuson323
Please remember to rate and review us wherever possible (iTunes, Spotify, and Audible). You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @thecrimacademy. Email us at thecrimacademy@gmail.com or visit our website at thecriminologyacademy.com
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
This week we discuss a very timely topic. Stephanie DiPietro, a professor at the University of Iowa's Depart of Sociology and Criminology talks to us about the Bosnian war. What effects such an extreme event of violence had on people in the aftermath. Steph tells us why the term "risk factor" may not be the best way to discuss some of the correlates conducive to crime. Finally, we discuss how this work could be applicable to the events we are seeing today with the invasion of Ukraine.
Steph's work has been published in journals such as Criminology, Sociology of Education, and Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
Please remember to rate and review us wherever possible (iTunes, Spotify, and Audible). You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @thecrimacademy. Email us at thecrimacademy@gmail.com or visit our website at thecriminologyacademy.com
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Ep. 42 Crime in Rural Places with Walter DeKeseredy
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
This week we talk to Walter DeKeseredy, a professor in West Virginia University's Department of Sociology and Anthropology, about violence against women and rural criminology. Turns out living on a farm outside of the big city may not be as safe as some may think! Walter talks us through what exactly rural criminology is and the violence that women in rural settings experience. Walter even wrote a book about the topic!
Walter's work has been published in journals such as Violence Against Women, Violence and Gender, and International Journal of Rural Criminology. You can find Walter on Twitter @dekeseredy.
Please remember to rate and review us wherever possible (iTunes, Spotify, and Audible). You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @thecrimacademy. Email us at thecrimacademy@gmail.com or visit our website at thecriminologyacademy.com
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Can being part of a group make people feel less responsible for criminal behavior? Does it really make it easier to justify the behavior? Probably, but we weren't sure. That's why this week we talked to Zach Rowan, a professor at Simon Fraser University's School of Criminology. We talk about the group's impact on people taking responsibility for their actions. We briefly touch on the environment's impact on group offending.
You can find Zach on Twitter @ZRRowan. He has been published in journals such as the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Law and Human Behavior, and Criminology.
Please remember to rate and review us wherever possible (iTunes, Spotify, and Audible). You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @thecrimacademy. Email us at thecrimacademy@gmail.com or visit our website at thecriminologyacademy.com
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
When we say CSI do you think of D.B. Russell, Horatio Caine, or Mac Taylor? People who go to crime scenes and are scientists and cops rolled into one? Well, this week we spoke with Kathleen Corrado who is a professor of Forensic Science at Syracuse University. Kathy started her career as a CSI in Texas before becoming a professor. She spills all the beans on what it is actually like to be a CSI. She also talks about whether the CSI effect is real and she walks us through DNA evidence collection and analysis. Jenn and Jose were truly outside of their domain in this one!!
Kathy has been published in journals such as Cell and Journal of Cell Biology.
Please remember to rate and review us wherever possible (iTunes, Spotify, and Audible). You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @thecrimacademy. Email us at thecrimacademy@gmail.com or visit our website at thecriminologyacademy.com
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Hi! If you're new, welcome! If you're not, welcome back! This week we spoke to Rebecca Bucci who is a s a Postdoctoral Fellow in Sociology at Harvard University. Rebecca talks to us about what pubertal timing is, how it is related to crime, and what may be some of the reasons that kids enter pubertal timing early or late. Rebecca also talks to us about some of her work regarding risk perceptions of arrest and why these perceptions matter.
Rebecca has published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Child Development, and Criminology. You can find Rebecca on Twitter @RebeccaBucci21 and on her website www.rebeccaabucci.com.
Please remember to rate and review us wherever possible (iTunes, Spotify, and Audible). You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @thecrimacademy. Email us at thecrimacademy@gmail.com or visit our website at thecriminologyacademy.com
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Ep. 38 Career Reflection: Hitting our Turning Point with Rob Sampson
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Hi! If you're new, welcome! If you're not, welcome back! This week we speak with Robert J. Sampson who is a professor of sociology at Harvard University. We ask Rob to reflect back on his career starting with his early influences and how/why he decided to study crime. We then discuss his contributions to the field, mainly communities and crime and life-course criminology. Finally, we ask Rob to tell us what he's most proud of and where he would like to see the field of criminology go in the future.
Rob has been published in journals such as Criminology, Science, and American Sociological Review. He also authored "Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect".
Please remember to rate and review us wherever possible (iTunes, Spotify, and Audible). You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @thecrimacademy. Email us at thecrimacademy@gmail.com or visit our website at thecriminologyacademy.com
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Ep. 37 Stealing lives: Human Trafficking with Joan Reid
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Hi! If you're new, welcome! If you're not, welcome back! This week we spoke with Joan Reid who is a professor in the Depart of Criminology at the University of South Florida. We discuss a truly heartbreaking topic: human trafficking, specifically the exploitation of children. Joan tells us generally what human trafficking is and what it looks like, we then discuss a paper she co-authored, and we then talk about the dark web.
Joan is the author of two books, Human Trafficking: Contexts and Connections to Conventional Crime and A Girls’ Pathway to Prostitution: Linking Caregiver Adversity to Child Susceptibility. In addition, she has published in journals such as Justice Quarterly, Sexual Abuse, and Child Maltreatment. You can find Joan on Twitter @JAReid2016
Please remember to rate and review us wherever possible (iTunes, Spotify, and Audible). You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @thecrimacademy. Email us at thecrimacademy@gmail.com or visit our website at thecriminologyacademy.com